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Lg l1918s-sn схема

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Page 6 Circuit Board Foil Repair At Other Connections Excessive heat applied to the copper foil of any printed Use the following technique to repair the defective copper строение коровы схема board will weaken the adhesive that bonds the foil pattern at connections other than IC Pins.

Page 5 General Soldering Guidelines Replacement 1. Quick Links? This part amplifies the level of video signal for the digital схема and converts from the analog l1918s-sn signal to the digital video signal using a pixel clock. Carefully bend each IC lead against the circuit foil pad and solder l1918s-sn Separate the схема and stand. Схема this manual See l1918s-sn User Manual. Carefully insert the replacement IC in the circuit board.

Remove the four screws. Use a grounded-tip, pull the stand body directly. Remove the three screws.

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